Tutorials & How To's


📽️📚Steps for Getting Help by Submitting a Service Request - TEXT - VIDEO

            📚 Accessing Palliser Technology - TEXT


3D Modelling & Printing

    📚  3D Printer OS Tutorial - TEXT

    📚  TinkerCAD - TEXT


    📚  Accessing Adobe Products  - TEXT

    📽️  Chromebook PDF Viewing - Re-Enable - VIDEO

Chromebook/Chrome OS

    📚  Accessibility Features, Turning on and off - TEXT

    📽️   Browser Cache, How to Clear - VIDEO

    📚  Docking Stations - A Complete Guide - TEXT

    📚  Docking Stations - Setting up the Screens - TEXT

    📚  Document Camera Workaround - TEXT

    📽️      Extensions, Turning On and Off - VIDEO

    📽️  Keyboard Fix, HP 11 G6 EE - VIDEO

    📚  Keyboards, Enabling & Using Foreign Keyboards - TEXT

    📚 Label Printer - DYMO - Installing and Using in Chrome - TEXT

📚 Linux Apps - Enable Linux Apps - TEXT

    📚 Linux Apps - Installing Blender - TEXT

    📚 Linux Apps - Installing GIMP - TEXT

    📚 Linux Apps - Sharing Google Drive With Linux Apps - TEXT

📚 Minecraft Education - TEXT

    📽️ PDF Viewing - Re-Enable - VIDEO

    📚   Profile Pictures - Deleting - TEXT

    📚   Printing Guide - TEXT

    📚  Pop Ups, Getting Rid of - TEXT

    📽️  Removing Chromebooks & Chargers from Lock & Charge - VIDEO

    📚  Screen Magnifier, Enable/Disable - TEXT

Connecting to the Palliser Guest Wireless Network

📚  How to Connect to the Palliser Guest Network (one sheet reference) - TEXT

📚  User Guide - TEXT

ExamView on Chromebooks (KASM)

    📚  How to access ExamView on a Chromebook tutorial - TEXT  

            📽️     How to access ExamView on a Chromebook -  VIDEO

Follett Destiny

    📽️  Intro to Using Destiny - VIDEO

    📚  Books, Add - TEXT

Google Workspace

    📚   Account - Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) - TEXT

    📚   Account - Profile Pictures - Deleting - TEXT

    📚   Account - Student Password Reset - TEXT

    📚  Calendar - How to Create Appointment Slots - TEXT

    📚  Chat - Overview - TEXT

    📚  Docs - Convert MS Office Documents to Google Docs - TEXT

    📽️      Docs - Download Google Doc as PDF - VIDEO

📽️📚  Drive - Back up Files from Windows to Google Drive - VIDEO    TEXT

     📚 Drive - Sharing Google Drive With Linux Apps on ChromeOS- TEXT

    📚  Drive - Take Your Data When Leaving Palliser - TEXT

    📚  Gmail - How to Do a Mail Merge - TEXT

    📚  Groups - Accessing Past Group Messages - TEXT

    📚  Meet - General How To - TEXT

    📚  Meet - Mitigating Performance Issues  - TEXT

    📚  Meet - Show Content From a Personal Computer On A Classroom Display  - TEXT

    📚  Slides - Convert Slides to Picture Files - TEXT

    📚  Slides - Using Slides as a Desktop Publisher - TEXT

Guest Book

    📚   How To Use Guest Book - User Experience - TEXT

    📚   How To Use Guest Book - Admin Experience - TEXT

IPEVO Visualizer

    📚  IPEVO Visualizer Tutorial - TEXT

LanSchool Air

    📚  LanSchool Air Tutorial - TEXT

Office 365

    📚  Education Account Instructions - TEXT


    📚  Photopea - Saving Projects on Google Drive - TEXT

Rhinoceros 3D

    📚  Rhinoceros 3D - Accessing and Logging In - TEXT

   📚  Rhinoceros 3D - Administering Users - TEXT

SIS - Student Information Systems

Streak - Mail Merge

    📚  Streak - How to Perform a Mail Merge Using Streak - TEXT

Technology Playground Resources

For all slide decks from the presentations put on at the Technology Playground, please click here.


    📚  Blocked Domain, How to Fix - TEXT

    📚  Streaming, How To - TEXT


    📚  Set Chrome as Default Browser - TEXT